Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A New Goal

The other day, I was clicking my way around Craig's List (because who doesn't enjoy looking for a new car, job, apartment, girlfriend and Celtics tickets on one site?) when I came across an ad looking for extras to be on the television show Bones. Now, I'm a fan of the show, but at first I wasn't going to bother going online and filming the needed dialog with my webcam. However, I've decided to take on a new project and while I doubt I will get it done, I figure it's worth a shot.

Now, I have no delusions of forwarding my acting career beyond where it stands now: in the background of the wildly-underrated Celtic Pride and playing the Doctor in Oliver Twist in the 6th grade (Whats that you say? There was no doctor in Oliver Twist? Oh, I beg to differ. I diagnosed the hell out of that little orphan.). But, I think it would be hysterical if I had an IMDB page and I would like it to be as short as possible. It would be better if I didn't even have a speaking part. I would love to just be "guy with cup in hand" in the background, because I then plan on writing a 10,000 word biography to go on the page.

So, there's my goal: an IMDB page with one acting credit (preferably a non-speaking role) and the largest biography possible. Yes we can!

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