Sunday, July 12, 2009


This post is actually going to be in praise of soccer. Normally I would talk about the fact that there is too much flopping, the biggest stars in the sport are metrosexuals, I don't like any sport that can end in a 0-0 tie, and how stupid is it that the World Cup, the biggest championship in the entire world, can end on penalty kicks (honestly, it would be as if the World Series ended with a home run derby). But, on the other hand, 80,000 people showed up for Ronaldo's press conference this week, so clearly I'm in the minority. Instead I'm just going to show you a sick goal that was scored this week. I mean, this thing was nasty.

I'd also like to congratulate the guy for keeping his cool about it.* This goal was scored during an indoor soccer game, which I would imagine would be like getting a touchdown in arena league football. Yeah, it's nice, but it's not the same. When you have half the space to work with then you should score more. Way to keep it all in perspective, buddy. Too often in soccer you see guys score on practically empty nets and celebrate like they just created fire. I know that soccer goals are rare, but if it's not an impressive goal then you should tone down the reaction. This guy keeps it nice and composed. Well played, sir.

*Of course, I'm assuming that to be the case. My Portuguese could use some work. For all I know he could be talking about how he is a god amongst men.

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