Thursday, December 20, 2012

How It's Done

So, it just occurred to me that Christmas is coming and it is doing so rather quickly. For some reason the holiday feels as though it is still weeks away, instead of less than a week like it actually is. I guess part of this can be blamed on the weather - when I was a kid we were would have been wearing heavy jackets by now and instead I'm still walking around with a light fleece. That makes it a little harder to get into the holiday spirit. But, I also think the lack of good holiday viral videos aren't helping. Part of Christmas is watching holiday movies and since everything these days is done online that means videos as well. Unfortunately, this year's crop is really substandard. I think people need to be reminded that for every video which takes off and becomes an internet sensation there are hundreds, if not thousands, which are not clever or funny in any way. That's why I'm putting this one back on the blog. Now, I'm not expecting everyone to be able to meet this standard - after all you probably can't afford to put Hollywood stars in the video you are filming in your kitchen. (Though, I would take a run at Nik Cage. Judging from his last few IMDB entries that guy will appear in anything if you pay him.) But, as they old saying goes - shoot for the moon and even if you fail you will still be among the stars. So, put a little effort into it and maybe people won't think it is the holidays until they've watched your video as snow falls out the window.

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