Friday, June 12, 2009

Dry Heaving and the Lakers

Yesterday I got to watch the Brenizer ladies for a couple hours. Now, as I have stated before, I'm fine with watching small kids, as long as they hold in the poop. I feel as an uncle with no child care training, baby-sitting experience growing up or kids of my own, then I should be exempt from changing the deuce diapers. So when the smell started wafting from one girl, then the other, at first I was in denial. I tried to tell myself it was just a bad lingering fart. But, after a couple minutes when it wouldn't go away, I had to do what I had to do.

At first I changed Addison and it wasn't so bad. Not my smoothest moment, as I had to pause once or twice, but I was ok. The job got done, is what I'm saying. Then it was time to change the baby. First off, there is a point babies reach when they stop pooping and start crapping. You know damn well what I'm talking about. Well, Charlotte has passed that point like a bullet train. This diaper I had some more trouble with and yeah, I had a couple of dry heaves.

Up until now it had all been fun and games to Charlotte. Oh, she thought it was hysterical that I was having trouble with the mess she had created - she was laughing and giggling up a storm. I'll tell you this, though, while babies might not be able to recognize a lot of grown-up motions, due to their own frequent spitting up they know damn well what "about to puke" looks like. The sudden realization that Uncle Tommy could very well blow chunks all over her sucked the humor right out of the situation. She stopped squirming and tried to be as helpful as a 9 month old can be in these predicaments. I may have just sped up her urge to start potty training.

-Ok, so I said Lakers in 6 and I'm looking right on with it. But, I don't want to hear any more of how this will be the franchise's 15 title. They don't acknowledge the ones that were won in Minneapolis, so why should the rest of us? And if you need any more proof, just look at this banner the Lakers' store sells. This will be #10, L.A. You're 7 behind us, not 2. Nice try, though.

1 comment:

Shivaun said...

Thank you Uncle Tommy for not puking on me