Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Kung-Fu Is Strong

-Sorry for the late post time, but after yesterday's blog about the best board games of all-time, my day was spent online playing Connect Four and Battleship (as you may have guessed, I'm just killing time waiting for an offer to be officially mailed and I'm no good at waiting so this was as productive as I was going to be today). Turns out that I forgot something - I suck at Connect Four. I focus too much on my offense and don't play enough defense. The computer kicked my ass all day. But, the tides turned when I found the online version of Battleship. I went undefeated for the day, proving that my mother was right, I did not need the G.I. Joe aircraft carrier.

-I know Nets fans (those that are left, anyway) are excited that this Russian Billionaire looks like he is about to buy the team and start spending money like water. But, it doesn't change the fact that he still has to work around a salary cap and the team is going to Brooklyn. The team he needed to buy was the Pirates. He could spend as much as he wants in MLB and they could use a jolt - the attendance at this afternoon's game was 2,500. You get more people in Fenway to watch batting practice. They tried to blame the poor attendance on the fact that traffic in the city is screwed up due to the G20 summit being in town. I don't buy it. If this was a Steelers' game you can be damn sure people would have found a way there.

-Am I the only one who finds it distasteful that the Kardashian sister and Lamar Odom felt the need to register for gifts for their wedding? First off, I give it 6 months and so I think making people buy you a gift is unnecessary. Secondly, Lamar just signed a $33 million contract - buy your own damn toaster.

-So today is Arthur Guinness Day, celebrating the 250th anniversary of the founding the Guinness brewery. Fun fact - he signed a 9,000 year lease for the land. There is a man who had some faith that his company would last. Well, Arthur, it took me a while to come around to your beer but believe me, I've converted. While I still enjoy the occasional Miller Lite (especially following golf) and do not care for most dark brews, I'm a big fan of your work. So, raise a glass - to Arthur!

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