Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter 

Hope you are enjoying this day of eating candy, finding brightly-colored eggs and giving plants to the women in your family. Easter is also great because it allows you to go shopping in the very back of your closet. You know that random yellow, pink, purple or teal shirt you own but can't remember why you bought it because you can't think of a single day where you would ever wear it, as it is far too loud for your normal tastes? Congratulations, today is the day you can finally bring it out. Hopefully you get to spent some time today with your family. To our Jewish friends celebrating the third night of Passover, Chag Pesach Same'ach and I hope you find the Afikomen.

As for this week's musical interlude, you would be surprised how hard it is to find songs with bunny or eggs in the title which do not completely suck. Fortunately, I had a lot more luck once I searched for songs about rabbits.

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