Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Scheduling Conflict

This coming Wednesday is Halloween. Now, many of you already know my policy when it comes to holiday music but for those that don't, I think you can play as much as you want before the actual day arrives but the second the holiday is over so is the opportunity to listen to that music. That is why we're doing our Halloween musical interlude a few days early. Still, the fact that Halloween in on a Wednesday to begin with kind of annoys me. As loyal readers know, I have been on a crusade for the last couple of years to get people to start celebrating Halloween on the last Saturday in October, regardless of the date. Halloween is just better when it falls on a weekend. The majority of people don't have to work so they aren't nearly as crazed to get the kids home from school, fed, out trick-or-treating, then back home and tucked in at a normal hour all while they are hopped up on sugar and the general kid adrenaline that comes with Halloween. Everything happens at a more leisurely pace and people enjoy the experience. And for the Catholics who have a problem with moving it because of All Saints' Day, I would just like to point out that if Easter isn't anchored to a specific date than nothing should be. But, as logical as this idea may be, as you can tell I'm not making much progress. However, the last couple of years it appears that I have a powerful new ally on my side - God.

This is the second year in a row that Halloween is being threatened by a freak storm. Last year we had the most significant snowfall of the season right before Halloween and it caused so much havoc that numerous towns were forced to tell kids to stay home. This year it appears Sandy will either still be here on Wednesday or have just passed through and many people will be without power after she stops by, threatening Halloween for the second year in a row. Yesterday was literally the calm before the storm and I think we should have taken advantage of it. If people went trick-or-treating last tonight not only would they have gotten through it without the threat of weather, they would come home with non-perishable food to get them through the next couple of days. I'll tell you, sitting around waiting for the power to come back on is a lot more fun when you have a lap full of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I just don't understand why, in a day when almost anything can be moved in the name of safety and convenience, Halloween should ever be celebrated in the middle of the week. It just makes too much sense.

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