Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to
All the dads out there!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

If your dad is anything like mine (and I have notice this is a very common phenomenon with fathers), your dad enjoys singing. For as long as I can remember, my father has had the habit of walking around the house, belting out whatever tune is in his head that afternoon. What's worse is that they are catchy. If you are around my dad for too long whatever song get stuck in his head is almost guaranteed to worm its way into yours. It wouldn't normally be an issue, except my father's internal jukebox is set to the most random channel ever. Some of the songs he comes up with are way out of the mainstream and a couple haven't been heard on the radio in decades. I would give you the example by making the tune he's been singing for the last couple of days this week's musical interlude, but I don't think anyone ever bothered to upload it to YouTube. When you consider the other music people have decided needed to be available to the masses, it show you just how out deep his memory banks can run. Instead, we're going to the song which is most often stuck in his head. He took this cassette on the family trip across the country many years ago and everyone knew all the words to this song by Pennsylvania. Love you, dad!

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