Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Would Watch This

I used to think that I had a pretty good handle on what the good TV shows were, but now I am not so sure. Oh sure, I can still tell you which shows are going to get cancelled within the first couple of weeks but admittedly, my track record for actually becoming a loyal viewer for those critically-acclaimed shows hasn't been great over the last few years. I didn't watch "The Wire" until it had been off the air for a couple of seasons and I never got into "The Sopranos". Those specific examples can be easily excused because they were on a network that I don't subscribe to, but it is not like I watch hit network shows either. While everyone is raving about "Modern Family" I only manage to catch an episode every now and again (mostly on reruns) and I don't feel like my life is really missing anything because of its absence. The only good news is that because there are so many channels on TV the amount of heat I catch for not watching one show or another has died down considerably. I still get strange looks when I tell people the shows I enjoy, but three people are likely to tell me I should be watching three different programs instead. The fact it is spread out makes it a little easier to take. Still, don't even get me started on the phenomenon that was "Breaking Bad". I got so much crap for not watching that show you would have thought the people I was talking to had a relative on the set.

But, now that "Breaking Bad" is off the air it appears the next train about to leave the station without me "Game of Thrones." I tried to get into it, I really did. I watched several episodes from the first season but couldn't find the appeal and television isn't meant to be something you have to work at so I bailed. I know that it is filled with violence and nudity and that its fans take the whole thing rather seriously. That is why I was quite pleased at this video from the crew at Bad Lip-Reading, which takes the entire thing down a few pegs. Just as a reminder, Bad Lip-Reading is a YouTube channel in which popular shows or events are dubbed over by people who may be getting the shape of the words right but definitely getting the content wrong. They had a big hit with their NFL video a few months ago, which I posed on the site and you should probably Google if you need a laugh. They've even gone mainstream by cutting up a new McDonald's ad, but the treatment "Game of Thrones" got is at an entirely different level. Rather than just splice together some clips with random dialog, they re-cutting the whole show as a movie trailer for an 80's-era comedy about a medieval theme park. It came out amazingly funny and I figured it was worth a shout-out here. Plus, it may just remind some of these "Thrones" fans to take the intensity down a notch or two because it is just a TV show and if you can't laugh about a TV show you probably should put the remote down to begin with.

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