Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Holiday Playlist

I know that Christmas music drives a lot of people crazy, but I think that is because they jump in too early. Since I don't start my holiday shopping until the middle of December I don't get over-run by the music in the stores and I don't turn my radio to the all-Christmas station until a couple of days before the 25th. As a result I haven't been listening to the same songs since Thanksgiving and I don't get sick of it. Plus, I avoid all those "All I want for Christmas is the person that I broke up with, because now I know that was a mistake" new-wave holiday songs, which are pretty depressing. Also, I mostly stick to the older holiday music, because the new ones aren't nearly as good. So, with all that criteria in mind, here is my holiday music playlist. Enjoy it for this week and then forget about it until next year. I'm telling you, that's the best plan.

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