I don't know when it happened, but at some point the greeting card companies gave up. It used to be that if you put in enough time reading through your options eventually you could find a card which summed up (well enough, anyway), all the things which you wanted to say to a person. I don't know if all the e-card companies have hired away the talented and clever writers or if the traditional card companies just don't pay enough to keep them, but I have notice a severe downturn in the quality of cards over the last couple of years. Looking for a Father's Day card I checked every one I could find over the last couple of days and none of them were what I was looking for. They all seemed to play off the idea that all dads are either lazy slobs who make their kids do all the chores or a drill sergeant who yells all the time. Well, my dad was neither so I'm just going to cut to the chase and make my own:
Happy Father's Day!
To all the dads out there,
have a great day.
To my Dad,
You're Awesome!
Love you!
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