Thursday, November 8, 2012

Filling A Void

It's always a little strange to watch the news following a major event like an election. Everyone was so focused on that one thing while it was approaching that almost everything else fell to the wayside and now that it is over it almost feels like people need a couple of days to get their footing back to figure out what actually constitutes news. It is like some weird vortex has been created which needs to be filled. And they certainly can't fill it with any more post-election coverage - not because everything has been said (TV has no problem repeating itself), but because people simply don't want to hear anymore. If you voted for Romney you obviously are still pissed and don't want to hear anything positive about the President, because it will almost feel like gloating. If you voted for Obama you are satisfied, but pretty ready to move on. (Either way the last thing people want to hear is anyone complaining about election results. It's like a friend who has had a tough break-up - you get a couple days of bitching and then everyone is going to start refusing to hang out with you unless you cheer the hell up.) This lack of news is kind of strange to deal with. But, more importantly, it has kind of left me without anything to talk about today. So, since President Lincoln appears to be having a random surge (not that he needed the notoriety, but first he's fighting vampires, now he's being directed by Spielberg), instead I leave you with this and hope something interesting happens in the next couple of days.


Liz said...

I LOVE that Drunk History. Jen Kirkman does the best ones.

Also, still waiting to see how much Florida swung blue by. Turns out one of the counties that needs to finish counting the ballots is Broward County. The county where we live. Ooooh, Florida.

Tom said...

I heard they finally called Florida last night. Way to keep it under a week! Good job, good effort...