Sunday, August 4, 2013

What A Wanker

Even though I don't watch any of the singing competition shows on TV that doesn't mean I am unaware of the people on them. At this point you'd have to live in a vacuum to not at least know the judges, one of whom always turns out to be British. I have to admit I have never understood why that is. Sure, we all enjoyed the British musical invasion of the 60s, America has 'borrowed' more than a few English television shows and an English accent tends to somehow give words more authority, but that doesn't automatically mean British people are the arbiters of what is constitutes good entertainment. I've watched enough BBC America to know that plenty of their references mean nothing to me and that for every show like "Dr. Who" which garners a cult following there are plenty of shows which we are only to happy to send back across the pond. It just seems like their ability to pick quality entertainment is no higher than any other nationality, so I don't know why every show feels the need to have at least one British judge. If you look at the inability of most of the people who win these shows to have sustained careers it is not like they have a great track record to justify coming over here and telling us whose records we should buy. And we certainly can't expect any British citizens to be the moral authority after this week when it was revealed that "X Factor" judge Simon Cowell was expecting a child with the wife of his very good friend.

Apparently the two had been in an unhappy marriage for a while but had not officially divorced (this should take care of that). If you have ever seen a single interview with Cowell it is not hard to believe he is the kind of person who would sleep with a friend's wife even though the two are technically still married. I had always wondered how much of Cowell's personality was real versus a made-for-TV persona. I understand that you need to have a massive ego to be a judge on one of these shows because no well-adjusted person would ever assume their preferences should count for an entire country full of people but since every show needs an antagonist part of me had always assumed most of Cowell's boorish behavior was just a facade, like a wrestler who pretends to be the bad guy to move the story along. Turns out that he really is this much of an asshole. I have to say I am going to be interested to see if this has any impact on his show going forward because even though America likes to dig into the personal details of celebrities' lives, they also have no problem turning on that same celebrity if they don't like what they find. Cowell already had his detractors but that is nothing compared to the fact this could cost him some advertisers, which makes it the network's business. You can be as big a jerk as you want as long as the show still makes money but there could be plenty of companies who won't want to be associated with him now and the "X-Factor" is already slipping in the ratings. Amazingly, it appears his choices while on "American Idol" are almost as bad as the decisions he makes in real life.

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