Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Haters In The House

I've never understood the social phenomenon where it becomes popular to hate on a thing. You know how this goes: it starts out that some thing (actor, band, song, movie, TV show) is mildly popular, but then people get a little too behind it and so in an attempt to be anti-establishment the hipsters decided that it's cooler to hate that mildly popular thing. Somewhere along the line it takes on a life of its own and before too long there are way more people hating that thing than ever liked it to begin with. (Ironically, then by still liking the object you have become the anti-establishment one, but it never seems to give those people any street cred.) The latest example of this is the band Nickelback.

Personally, I don't hate Nickelback. I'll be honest, I rarely think of them enough to hate them. However, they clearly get on a lot of people's nerves. I guess I could understand it better if I ever heard a valid reason, like most of their songs sound the same, but the rationale is never that clear. Whenever I ask people why they hate Nickelback, the response I get is usually, "Because they suck." Yes, very precise. I'm shocked you weren't on the high school debate team with those razor-sharp rebuttal skills.

The hate for the band has been especially clear lately as their management team continues to book them in places where they are not wanted. When the Winnipeg Jets said Nickelback was going to play the opening of the new arena, Canadians (and keep in mind the band is Canadian) took to the world wide web to protest. Now the band is scheduled to play tomorrow's halftime show during the Lions and Packers game and people are pissed. Almost as soon as the booking was announced people started complaining. Apparently, who plays in the middle of Ford Field with only half the crowd paying attention while the other half is checking their voice mails and running to the bathroom is a very touchy subject.

Now, to the band's credit they are trying to get out ahead of this. They have obviously learned that if you can't beat them, you may as well join them. So, they went on Funny or Die and made a video about why Detroit hates them. Here's the problem: the video isn't funny. I think all this is going to do is make people hate them more. It was a good try, boys, but next time you should leave the comedy to the professionals. Oh, and get better agents, because clearly the ones you have now don't have a clue where they should be booking you.

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