Thursday, May 3, 2012

Beaten To The Punch

If you have ever worked in customer service you are well aware that the customer is far from always right. Most of the time the customer doesn't know what the hell they are talking about or is playing stupid in an attempt to get an item for a large discount. Still, if you want repeat business you should at least try and give them what they want, as long as it is within reason. That is why I was shocked at Domino's latest ad campaign, touting how their new artisan pizzas were so good they way they are that no customer is allowed to make any changes. The point of the ad is basically to tell America, "You can't add additional toppings, so stop asking." Isn't this the same company that was so desperate to keep customers last year that they changed all their recipes after 30 years? In such a short amount of time they have it down so perfectly that now you can't even ask for a change? Personally, this makes the cynical side of me think the reason they can't change the pizzas at all is that they showed up to the stores pre-made in boxes and adding different ingredients would throw off the defrosting time. Now, I was all set to go on a rant about this, but I was watching "The Daily Show" the other night and Lewis Black beat me to it. Little known comedy rule: much like in baseball the tie goes to the runner, in comedy the guy with the TV show gets the rant. So, Lewis, the stage is yours...

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