Saturday, December 26, 2009

Scenes From Christmas Morning

That's right, it's another cop-out picture post. That'll happen the day after a holiday.

So, here was our tree Christmas morning. Now, last year we had everyone show up at once and the presents took up half the room. This year we were much smarter about it and staggered when people came to the house. Thus, what is under the tree in this picture is only about 20% of the presents that my family exchanged amongst ourselves. We're doing the best we can to stimulate the economy. Honestly, we're Patriots.

When we were younger, stockings contained school supplies. Now it's scratch tickets and nips of Bailey's. Score one for getting older.

To try something new on Christmas morning, we had a make-your-own-omelet station. We used a Paula Dean technique of putting all the fixings in a Zip-Lock bag and then putting the bag into simmering water. Other than taking longer than the recipe book said, they turned out quite good.

These mugs are awesome. There are 6 of them, no two are the same and they only are used Christmas morning. Probably for the best as the handles are not insulated (ow, my thumb).

After that it was time to open more presents, where I made out like a bandit (as always). Here is small sample of the golf equipment I received with a new bag, hat, driver cover and a new driver, which you can see on the other page if you care that much.

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