Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Clearing Interlude

So, the cold/flu/sinus infection mess that I was dealing with at the end of last week and the beginning of this one has pretty much gone away, save for this lingering cough that has stuck with me. I feel like I am one good coughing fit away from losing half a lung, but feeling considerably better in the process. Alas, I can't seem to have that one good coughing fit and so I just hack away while trying not to see anything too funny, because laughing makes the cough worse. That is what led to this week's musical choice. Well, that and I loved this song in high school - still do, actually. If I'm in the car when this comes on it is one of the few songs I will insist every car around me listens to as well, when I see just how loud my speakers can go. Anyway, I hope you like it, as I'm going to spend my day trying to shake this cough loose.

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