Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Catch-Up

Just catching up on a few days worth of notes that I didn't feel were important enough to get their own posts...

-I know going into any movie, I am expected to take certain leaps as a viewer. I don't need the crew of "MythBusters" to tell me a jump from a five story window would actually kill the hero no matter how many awning he fell through first and the result would not look cool in real life. Part of the fun of movies is to let go and simply accept some discrepancies. But, there are some reality leaps I just can't make anymore. For example, I am really tired of the "couple getting chased by 100 trained assassins with machines guns and never getting shot" theme I keep seeing. Hey, if it's a one-on-one thing I can believe they might be able to dodge for a while, but I'm not even a math major and I know the law of average says they are going down eventually. These people are supposedly professionals - if they couldn't shoot they would be doing something else and not have lasted this long as assassins. I mean, that's just basic business.

-I've been playing a lot of on-line Scrabble the past couple of days and thoroughly getting my hat handed to me as I do. But, here's the thing: as a result, I actually feel better about the computer revolution that is apparently coming. I feel this way because not only am I holding my own against the online computer before eventually losing, but the little bastard is practically cheating, using a ton of two-letter words that no self-respecting human would ever resort to playing in a real-life game. Computers might have an entire dictionary at their binary fingers, but they sure don't have the pride to forgo using a word like "AH" to instead try and make a word out of the letters H, Q, I, K, Z, V. That lack of hubris will eventually be their downfall.

-It's always sad when I sign on to Twitter in the morning and discover that I have fewer followers than I had the day before. I shouldn't be surprised as I'm only followed by about 10 people I actually know and the rest are just spam accounts to try and get me to follow them. Still, every time I lose one of these fake followers I get annoyed at them. I almost want to throw up a comment along the lines of, "You know, not all of you stuff is comedy gold either, Mr. Car Dealer that only decided to follow me because I used the word 'thrifty' in a Tweet!" The reason I don't, of course, is that seems like way more than 140 characters.

-There was a Super-Moon this weekend, which means the Moon was closer to Earth than it had been in decades (maybe longer, I wasn't exactly with the program on Saturday) and appeared larger than normal in the sky. That's all very interesting, but it concerns me because the way orbits work it stands to reason that means we're eventually going to get closer to the Sun than ever before. Tell me when that day is coming so I know to be inside. I'm much more interested in not stepping out into a 115 degree day than I am in getting a better look at the Moon's craters.

-A report surfaced late this afternoon that Charlie Sheen and CBS were talking about him coming back to "Two and a Half Men". If this turns out to be true, I am impressed. I've heard of people being able to rebuild burnt bridges, but never nuked ones. I always assumed the show made the network a lot of money, but for the studio heads to absorb all this public bashing and then take Sheen back? They must be rolling in cash. I should have gone into TV.

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