Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Smokey Musical Interlude

Every man is inherently cocky that they are the best at building a good fire. However, in my case it is not cockiness - it is the truth. I am fantastic at getting a big fire going that will last for hours. It's a gift. And it came in handy the other night, when I did one of my favorite fall activities: sitting around a fire pit with friends, drinking beer and telling funny stories. I love doing this, though for some reason I only do it in the fall, even spring would work just as well.

The only drawback to standing around a fire pit for several hours is that the wind will undoubtedly shift and at some point in the night you will be standing directly where the wind is sending the smoke. Then, even once the fire is out, you still smell like smoke. I didn't think I was too bad when I first got home, but when I was getting ready to take a shower the next morning all I could smell was smoke, which means today was laundry day for everything I was wearing. However, despite the inconvenience of having to wash everything I came in contact with after one night of standing around a fire, the smoke remnants do have an upside: it's a great reminder of why I never took up smoking. Also, it made the decision for this week's musical interlude that much easier.

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