Friday, May 18, 2012

Take A Guess

With the board-game inspired "Battleship" set to come out today, I have been fascinated to watch as the movie world boomerangs on itself. When the project was first announced everyone had the exact same reaction: "How is that going to be made into a movie?" Even as big name actors and a solid director became attached to the project, people held on to their doubts that the film would be any good. When the first trailer came out a few months ago their fears appeared to be realized. It appeared to be nothing but a bunch of large explosions without much in the way of a plot. But, what happened next is what always happens - too many people seemed to agree. That just can't happen in the snarky world of movie reviewers. So with the release date here, everyone is clamoring to put out their "Hey, this isn't as bad as we thought it was going to be" reviews up before the rest of the world. Even if that isn't the case they still want to have the one different voice in the room. It doesn't matter if what they are are saying might make them lose all credibility, at least people are listening. Welcome to the world of movie reviewers.

Of course, there is the off-chance that the movie doesn't actually stink. Many people appear to have gone in with extremely low expectations and then genuinely come out pleasantly surprised by it. Also, I think people have started to realize what they are looking at - it's a big summer blockbuster action flick. It's supposed to be nothing but explosions and one-liners before the hero pulls the trigger. Frankly, it's not meant be Shakespeare and going in expecting it to be that just makes you look like the idiot. If you want a movie with excessive dialog I'm sure the "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" is playing down the hall. Knock yourself out. Still, as not-bad as the movie may turn out to be, it doesn't change the fact that it's a movie based on a board game. Dozens of parodies of this fact came out in the last couple of months, but I have to say that this is my favorite one of them all.

[Sidebar: How does this guy not know the first question you ask is, "Is your person a woman?" There were like 4 women in the game "Guess Who?". If you got the woman wearing glasses you might as well have admitted defeated before you started.]

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