Friday, November 19, 2010

Back To School

So, due to a scheduling conflict, yesterday I had to pinch-hit and drop my niece off at her preschool. While not normally a big deal, this was complicated by the fact that I had never been to the school before and wasn't 100% sure of where I was going. This meant that when I pulled in I actually had to turn and ask Addison is this was where we were supposed to be. "Yes," she replied, "This is my school." [Let us all pause for a moment to soak in the fact I was taking driving directions from a 3 year-old.] She was then nice enough to show me where her classroom was, because I had two rooms to choose from and I'm pretty sure I would have guessed wrong. Now, I don't know if you ever want to feel like a giant, but if you do, simply walk into a preschool classroom: it's just full of chairs that don't go passed your shins and coat hooks at thigh level. It looks like everything in the room was hit with a shrink-ray. The moral of this story, I guess, is that people continue to get bigger after turning 3.

Picking up was another time that I didn't know the procedures, because I pulled into the parking lot very early and choose what I thought was a prime spot away from the door that would grant me an easy exit. Rookie mistake. This was made evident when every other parent showed up (almost at the exact same time, too), promptly filled the parking lot to the limit, blocked off the way I had planned to exit and left me at the tail end of the exit line. Also, the children emerged from a different door than they had entered and I was at the opposite side of the parking lot than would I should have been.

However, even though I obviously didn't know where I was going, it was all worth it because I clearly had Addison's attention for the day and when she emerged with her Thanksgiving decorations on, this was around her neck...

...Oh, someone is getting a pony for Christmas.

1 comment:

Liz said...

This is awesome. Congratulations, Uncle Tommy!