Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Fast Ones

-This story is a perfect reminder as to why I would never make it as a criminal: the four creators of the website The Pirate Bay recently lost an appeal in Swedish court and face fines of $4 million and a jail sentence of up to a year following a conviction of copyright infringement. For those of you who aren't tech-savvy, The Pirate Bay is a site where you can get copies of movies, usually before they are out on DVD and some before they even leave the theatres. The thing I can't get over is that the site is still up and running, when you have to assume that they could have avoided the jail time by agreeing to shut it down. Considering the site is free and these guys can't be making that much money off of it, if it was me that site would have been offline as soon as the offer was made. I'm not about to spend a year in jail so some guy in Iowa can save $3 by not having to leave his house to rent a copy of Iron Man 2.

-It was reported yesterday that President Obama had to get 12 stitches to close a cut on his lip after catching an elbow playing basketball. I feel like Obama missed a real opportunity here. Americans love photos of sports stars playing through the blood and the pain, just ask Brett Favre. He could have snapped a quick photo to look bad-ass and then used the opportunity to talk about how easy the insurance forms were to fill out thanks to his health care reform. This is why I should work in the Office of Public Relations.

-Willie Nelson was recently arrested for possession of marijuana. Why do I get the feeling that this could happen just about any time during the year, but the cops wait until they have a slow week or some sort of quota to meet before serving the warrant? I imagine it is almost like initiation to the local police force. "Hey, has the new guy gotten to arrest Willie Nelson yet?"

-There was a new wrinkle in the story of Spygate, which we all thought was over. Apparently, a Denver Broncos employee was accused to taping the San Francisco 49ers practice when the two teams were in London. The reason this is news around is here is that the video coordinator is a former Patriot employee, as is Broncos coach Josh McDaniels, and a lot of people are saying that they learned this behavior while working for the Patriots. Personally, I'm more of the school of thought that this simply means this behavior happens all over the NFL. McDaniels, by the way, maintains the employee acted on his own and he never watched the tape. And if you believe that I have a very nice bridge to sell you.

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