Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Superstitious Interlude

You know, for as superstitious a man as I am (especially when it comes to watching sporting events), I was never a big believer that Friday the 13th was a bad day. I agree that certain numbers are unlucky, but I've never worried about the combination of a day of the week and a number. The way I figure it, it is actually less unlucky than every other day because people are constantly on-guard on Friday the 13th, waiting for something bad to happen. So, it's the other 364 days of the year when you aren't expecting it that walking under a ladder will prove costly.

However, this particular Friday the 13th was noteworthy because May 13th also doubled as the 61st birthday of one Stevie Wonder. I love Stevie, but a quick perusal through my archives reveals he hasn't made the musical interlude yet. Seems as good a day as any to right that wrong.

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