Wednesday, May 11, 2011

...To The Last Drop

Have you ever noticed that whenever you are anxious to use up something, it seems to last longer than usual? It's like the more you try to get rid of a product, the more of it there is. I'll give you an example: a couple weeks ago I dropped a jar of mayonnaise. Since the jar was plastic it didn't break, but the cap did. Because mayonnaise is one of those things which really shouldn't be left in open air (even in a refrigerator), I was forced to leave the broken lid on then try to make the seal air-tight with a plastic bag and an elastic. And ever since that day I'm hesitant to use that mayonnaise. While I'm 99% sure it's fine, that 1% of doubt leaves me feeling as though I'm risking my stomach every time I spread it on the bread. Therefore I just want to use up what is still left over as quickly as possible and get to open some fresh mayo. And of course, even though I make myself a sandwich almost every day, the level of what's in the jar never goes down. It's like some kind of space/time vortex in my fridge, where my mayonnaise is able to replicate itself over night. Honestly, I'm a couple more days away from making everyone in the neighborhood potato salad just to use this stuff up.

This same phenomenon will also happen every time you buy a new product on a whim. If you ever buy a sample size of something (body wash, deodorant, etc) it will turn out to be a wise purchase that you would like more of. Then the one time you decide to wing it and buy the industrial size bottle of a product without testing it first not only will that product not work nearly as well as you expect, but that bottle of it will last you for a year and a half. (Of course, some of you out there might be saying, "Just throw the product you don't want out." Well, pardon me Mr. Moneybags.)

You might be thinking that this is due to using products you like more and it just seems like they go faster, but that isn't it and I can prove it. I happen to have two kinds of shampoo in my shower: one shampoo I like and one that I don't like as much, but leave in the shower as a back-up. I have to replace the shampoo I like every other month and I never remember to pick some up right away, meaning I usually end up using the back-up shampoo for a couple of weeks before I remember to buy another bottle of my main shampoo. Yet, the back-up shampoo never goes down. I admit I'm not using it nearly as much, but I still use the back-up shampoo enough that it should have needed replacing at some point. Nope. I couldn't remember the last time I had to buy another bottle of it. So, either my fridge and shower are scientific anomaly's or I should only buy things in sample-size from here on out.

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