Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary.

The happy couple September 4th, 1971

So, in honor of this occasion, I thought I would use their wedding song as this week's musical interlude. The only problem is I'm not sure what it is. I asked and got conflicting answers from my parents. My mom thinks it was "We've Only Just Begun" and my dad can't remember the name of the song but knows it's not that. Now, for years I was told that it was the theme for the movie "Lovers and Other Strangers" so that is what we're going with. Then again, I'm relying on a Google Internet search and we know how reliable answers found on the Internet can be. Let this just be a lesson for all the engaged couple out there who are agonizing over what song to use for their first dance - by your 40th anniversary you won't remember it anyway.

Happy Anniversary, mom and dad. I love you.


Shivaun said...

This is a sweet post Tommy:)

Liz said...

Happy Anniversary to your parents!!