Saturday, April 24, 2010

Food Ignorance Is Bliss

As a person who is lucky enough to not have any food allergies, I never have to read labels for ingredients. Unless you have to be absolutely certain of what you are putting into your body, I don't know why anyone would actually want to take the time to read a list of ingredients on a bottle or package. Let's be honest, everything is going to be some mix of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and then things you couldn't pronounce. And, for all the people who are trying to eat healthier so they can live longer, I feel the need to point out that whenever the news interviews a 110 year-old guy for one of those fluff pieces, he's been eating bacon three meals a day since he was five. I just find the process meaningless because, even if you are trying to be diligent about what you are eating, it will end up that whatever is good for you this week will be bad for you by next week. That's pretty much how it's been since people started worrying about what is in their food. Ask yourself this question: are eggs good or bad for you? You have no idea, do you? Exactly my point. I figure that eating almost anything is ok as long as you don't eat to excess.

Because of this philosophy I pretty much don't want to know what I am eating and I feel that it's better this way. However, no one else seems to feel that way lately because apparently saying that something tastes good is the equivalent of an invitation for whoever made it to rattle off all the things that went into it. As someone who can be a fairly picky eater (given my size I know you may find that hard to believe), I'd rather not know because all you are going to do is make me not want to eat something. ("This is great, I love it." "I'm glad you like it, it's my grandmother's recipe for fish liver." "Yeah, I don't like it anymore.") Perhaps in the future, when it comes to food we should all just take the compliment and not provide answers beyond what we are being asked.

-You may remember about this time last year I showed you guys a video of the UConn and USF baseball teams passing the time during a rain delay by having a dance-off. Well, this year provided us with further proof that baseball teams have way too much time to kill during their downtime, as FAU and Western Kentucky stepped it up a notch by not only having a dance-off, but also providing the crowd with skits during their rain delay earlier this week. Now, sure, it smacks of a slight desperation just to be on SportsCenter and PTI, but it obviously worked, so who am I to argue with their methods. Also, while the UConn video was shot on a grainy camera from the press box, FAU stepped it up with some editing and production value. Excellent promotional tool for their communications department.

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