Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well, At Least It's Kinda Catchy

I frequently give up on listening to the radio for stretches of time because they play the same 14 songs over and over again until I just can't take it anymore. But, every couple of months I find it's not a bad idea to start listening again, just see if any amazing new songs have come along that I should be aware of. [Sidebar: this is also the way you should work having the movie channels on cable. After having free HBO for three months, I'm all set for a while. I only need to see Watchmen, Yes Man and Get Smart so many times. But, in a couple months when there are more new releases worth checking out I'll see about getting another month free.] The last couple of days I have been listening to the radio more than my iPod, just to see what I might want to add to my library. For the most part the answer is that there is nothing worth adding. But, one song did catch my ear, though it may be for all the wrong reasons.

It's an interesting little diddy by a country group named Jaron and the Long Road to Love and the song is called "Pray for You." Here are a sample of the lyrics.

I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill
I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill
and knocks you in the head like I’d like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know where ever you are honey, I pray for you

Alright, for now let's overlook the obvious problems that this man had coming up with a group name (terrible band name - way too wordy). I am surprised this song made it on the radio with today's easily-offended audience members not demanding that it be heavily edited. It's a country artist so you know that some people are willing to let it slide under the guise of him just being a good 'ol boy that doesn't know any better. But still, could you imagine the outrage we would be hearing from various parenting groups if this was a rap artist who had lyrics like this? They'd be denouncing it as supporting violence against women. I'm not a rap fan by any means, but you could make the case that there is a serious double standard going on here.

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