Monday, June 7, 2010

Five From The Weekend

-This weekend was great showcase for sports that were last popular in the 1970s. There was a big horse race, a boxing match in new Yankee stadium and the finals of the French Open. I would rank them in the order of my interest, only I'm not quite sure how to rank negative numbers.

-Speaking of things I have negative interest in seeing, the new Karate Kid movie is opening this weekend. Not that I have a problem with Jackie Chan or Will Smith's kid, but I hope this movie bombs. Maybe then Hollywood will see that they should stop remaking movies that no one had a problem with. Really, there are plenty of terrible movies they could take another crack at before going back and messing with something that was fine the first time around.

-So, I get that Elton John wanted to make a big statement when he performed a duet with Eminem back in the day. Well, he made another statement when he sang at Rush Limbaugh's wedding this weekend for a one million dollars. That statement? Morals be damned - private jets, entourages and personal chefs are expensive.

-Remember a couple of weeks ago when I told you that a company wanted to start selling stock futures based on how they though movies would do on their opening weekends? I really wish that another company would do something similar to that with sports contracts. I could have made a boatload with some "The Brewers will come to regret the Jeff Suppan contract" stock.

-Can we ban together and just agree that the MTV Movie Awards are no longer necessary? I don't know anyone who watched the broadcast and furthermore I don't even know anyone who regrets that decision. At the very least, who wins awards should not be considered news.

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