Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Bad Is Your Breath?

The other day as I was picking up my dinner, another pair was heading out the door of the same establishment. Next to the register was a small dish with individually wrapped mints in it. I'm not surprised, as this was a fancy Italian eatery which can feature some garlic-heavy food. (Alright, fine, it was a Pizza Hut. But I stand by my garlic statement.) Anyway this woman not only grabbed one handful of mints, but went back with her other hand for a few more. While no one else even seemed to notice, this seemed excessive to me. I don't know what she had just eaten, but unless it was an onion that she had chomped into like the rest of us would eat an apple, I highly doubt it was going to take 15 mints to beat back the smell. I know the mints are free and complimentary, but I still feel like good manners would suggest there is a limit. Just like with the "Take a penny, leave a penny" tray at gas stations, if you have to ask yourself if you are being to liberal with "taking" side of things, then you are. [Sidebar: I think that the limit on taking pennies is three. When you are almost all the way to a nickle then you have taken too many.] From here on out I would like to suggest a four mint limit for any complimentary mint tray. If your breath is still bad after that more mints wouldn't help anyway, so just stop at a nearby drugstore for some mouthwash.

-As someone who has to spend a few seconds every day thinking up a headline catchy enough to pull readers in (and by "in" I actually mean over from Liz's blog, which is where I get roughly 85% of my readers from because she is so much more popular than me), I appreciate any headline that is smart enough to double as a quiz. Today I was checking the headlines on ESPN and it said, "New Jersey Devils' all-time leading goal scorer is new head coach." This immediately made me wonder, "Who is the Devil's all-time leading scorer?" I mean, if I knew that I wouldn't have to click through. Alas, I am not a Devils fan, so I couldn't really even offer an educated guess, but I like the fact that if I were a Devils fan I could know the answer and the rest of the story without having to click through. In this case, knowledge would save you some time. Instead I had to take the time to open up the link to report that it's John MacLean. But, at least when he gets fired in a couple years (because NHL teams go through coaches like the rest of the world goes through Kleenex) I will be ready with the answer when the headline reads, "Devils' all-time goal scorer gets fired."

-Regardless of what you may think of her or her music, you have to give Lady Gaga this - she is versatile. I was driving around the other day and within 15 minutes I heard her song "Alejandro" four times on four different radio stations which had four different formats (Top 40, hip-hop, adult contemporary and 'everything'). Clearly that weird lady reaches a lot of different people. Also, because of this that song has been stuck in my head for two days. If I promise to buy it on iTunes will Lady Gaga make it stop?

-I might have heard one of the stupidest things ever said on television this morning. Watching coverage leading up to the US Open, one of the commentators on the Golf Channel mentioned that Tiger Woods' round might over-lap with the first quarter of the NBA Finals game tonight. He then said, "I'll be interested to see how that [Tiger's round] effects the ratings [of the Finals]." Are you kidding me? Here's a hint: it won't. I assume that the Golf Channel has to pretend that whatever they're covering is the most important event in the history of ever, but let's not try to equate Tiger Woods playing on the first day of a four-day tournament to a do-or-die Game 7 for the NBA Championship between the sport's two flagship franchises. If his round is still going after the NBA game as tipped-off Tiger Woods could start naming all his mistresses in order while he was standing on the 17th tee and only about 4,000 people would notice. I love golf, but let's not get this twisted - they are not on equal footing with the NBA Finals.


Liz said...

Kim and I were discussing Lady Gaga today and Kim dismissed her as a 'wannabe Madonna.' Shocked and dismayed, I spent the rest of the conversation trying to convince her about how awesome the Lady is. She didn't buy it and immediately changed the subject to Kristen Stewart, who is a deadbeat.
My point is this: Lady Gaga is great. At first I was like 'who is this weirdo?' but now I accept her and enjoy the music. Fin.

Tom said...

Here's where I fall on that discussion: I have never like Madonna's music, but I don't mind Lady Gaga's. I think the big difference could be that I don't know much about Gaga's private life (nor do I want to) whereas Madonna loved everyone knowing all of her business.

I also don't like Kristen Stewart and hope she goes away when her vampire movies are done.