Friday, July 22, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Throughout my day I am sent tons of mindless forwards from people I haven't otherwise spoken to in years. At this point I'm not even sure if they remember who I am or why I am on their forward lists. The problem is that it is too easy to forward stuff. I feel like if it were harder, people would take a moment and ask themselves if the thing they are sending to their friends and former co-workers is really that funny and worth the effort. But they don't have to and I end up with another an inbox full of jokes I've heard before and government conspiracy theories I don't believe. Now, you may be saying that I could simply ask these people not to send me stuff like this anymore. And that is true, but I don't want to be rude. Besides, it is just as easy to erase the forwards without even reading them as it is to send them. (Not your forwarded chains, though. Those are always awesome and I would never think about not reading it.)

Anyway, it makes me wonder what is going on with the Internet when three separate people send me clips from some reality show I don't want to watch, and yet a video like the one below, which I would obviously be interested in seeing since it relates to my all-time favorite show from childhood, can float around the world wide web for close to a year before anyone brings it to my attention. It's like the people I worked with 10 years ago and haven't spoken to since barely know me anymore.

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