Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome Back, Boys

As you probably have guessed by now, I'm pretty excited to have football back. I'm especially loving the craziness that has come from everyone trying to get free agency done the same time that training camp is starting. In some ways, it's actually better than the normal system, because when the Patriots make a trade during the draft you have to wonder how it is going to workout when training camp finally rolls around in a couple months. With this they make a deal on Thursday and the guy is on the field Friday. It's like instant gratification. (Don't get me wrong though - I'm not asking for another lockout next year.)

Still, this song seems fitting for the week. It also happens to be one of my favorite songs ever, which just works out well. There is a Bon Jovi cover of this song floating around as well, but I prefer to stick with the original whenever possible.

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