Thursday, July 28, 2011

Double Jeopardy

Every week seems to feature one or two stories that make people sit back and go, "Huh?" Today the fun/weird story was that of Alex Trebek, the long-time host of the gameshow "Jeopardy", who found a burglar in his apartment and chased them down, ultimately tearing his Achilles tendon in the process. Now, I have previously stated my dislike for Trebek: the way he puts on extra emphasis when pronouncing French words (as if we could forget he is Canadian), and the smugness he employs when all three contestants get the question wrong and he finally tells them the right answer. Alex, you know damn well you wouldn't have a clue as to the correct answer if it wasn't written down on the paper in front of you.

That being said, running down the person breaking into your place is pretty bad-ass. I know he ended up hurt in the process, but when you consider Trebek is 71 (seriously, would you have thought Trebek was a day over 65?) it's extremely impressive. I just want to know if after he took down the would-be-robber he fired off some kind of burn line out of an action movie, such as, "You forgot to phrase this break-in in the form of a question!" I guess the thing we all learned today is not to mess with game show hosts. (I feel like this is especially true concerning Pat Sajak. I assume that 30 years of spinning the wheel has given Mr. Sajak a very strong abdominal core. That dude will mess you up.)

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