Sunday, July 24, 2011

Not Quite The Same Level

When I saw Amy Winehouse was a trending topic on Twitter yesterday, my first thought was, "Is she dead?" I wasn't trying to be morbid - that is just how Twitter works: if your name is a trending topic is it never for a good reason. Celebrities and musicians never trend on Twitter for winning an award or curing a disease. They either died or people think they died, which is why my second thought was that it probably wasn't true. On more than one occasion people have started rumors about some quasi-celebrity being dead via Twitter, so you should really double-check before you start telling other people. (It is also why I'm very careful about who I follow.) But, it turns out she actually had passed away. Now, it's obviously sad when anyone loses a battle with addiction and it's even sadder when they are only 27 years old, so I'm not about to start making jokes at her expense about how she probably should have gone to rehab.

That being said...

The next thing to start floating around the Internet was that now Winehouse was a member of "Club 27" - famous musicians who all died at the same age. The members of this club include Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin. Now, I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but are we really saying Amy Winehouse is in that category? I get that she was a bigger star in England than here and I enjoyed her music as much as the next guy, but you just can't compare catalogs. I've heard "Rehab" roughly 200 times since yesterday and it's fine, but it just doesn't feel like it is going to stand the test of time. At least not like any of the music from some of the other members of Club 27. Seriously, just listen to Jimi and then try to tell me my grandkids are going to know the lyrics to "Valerie". It's not going to happen.

1 comment:

Liz said...

She's not even close to being on the same level. She had two albums which probably will never be legendary. Sad she died, but she's not the same caliber as some of the other members of the 27 Club.