Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Hot Playlist

So, it was a bit hot today. Alright, more than a bit. It was about 95 degrees with a heat index that made it feel closer to 103. It was the kind of heat that makes it impossible to enter or exit a building without making an audible groan as you get blasted in the face with a wall of humidity that feels like someone's hot breath. Safe to say, things got a little sticky. Still, if you watched the news today you would have thought we've never had a hot day in this area. The first couple of segments were just man-on-the-street interviews featuring people saying it was hot. I don't like the heat more than most and even I found it excessive. And hold onto your remotes, because tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter.

With that in mind I thought we could use a little musical relief from the heat. The problem was I couldn't decide on just one. Thus, a playlist seems in order. Close the windows and turn it up loud enough to hear over the air conditioner. And for God's sake, don't go outside unless you have to.

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