Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Halloween Interlude

Once again, we have reached Halloween. I know that technically I'm a day early, but I would rather not wait for next week to play Halloween music, because there is nothing worse than holiday-specific music one second after that holiday has passed. Plus, if I had my way yesterday would have been Halloween anyway. But I digress. Today we're going with "I Put A Spell On You" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins. I didn't see a date on this video, but I can only imagine this was sometime in the mid-70s. Now I want you to watch this video and observe how clearly crazy this man is. Remember this when your parents try and chastise you about some recent pop star who is doing something stupid in the name of attention and tell you how much better musicians were in their day. Acting a fool is not exactly a new trick.

By the way, here is this year's pumpkin.

Keeping up my recent sports theme I went with the Bruins logo. I figure if you win a Championship for the first time in 40 years the least I can do is carve a vegetable in your honor. It is not my best attempt ever, but at least you can tell what I was going for.

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