Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's More Like A Suggestion

I like to think of myself as a pretty safe driver. Actually, when compared to most of the other drivers on the road these days, I should almost get a medal for my safe driving. Yes, I go over the speed limit on several occasions, but I always use my turn signal when changing lanes and after a few months of nagging from my nieces, I now religiously wear my seat belt. I don't text while driving and rarely even use my cellphone unless it is an important issue. However, sometimes you just can't help but break a traffic law. Much like golf, I happen to think that there are some rules of the road that are far too antiquated to be taken seriously. Sometimes it just comes down to nothing more than a judgement call.

There have been a lot of new constructions projects going on around my town. Several new buildings have sprung up, which would be a good thing if it didn't seem as though every shopping complex also needs an exclusive traffic light out front. Because of this one road cutting through my town now has a light every hundred feet. If that wasn't bad enough some of them feature a second light about 50 feet back from the new light, because apparently people no longer have the ability to merge from a parking lot onto any street without a green light telling them it is safe to do so. Now, usually it wouldn't be so bad as I would just turn away from that street and take the back roads which have fewer lights. But the neighborhoods behind these new buildings don't want an increase in traffic going through them and as a result a lot of these parking lots come equipped with signs that tell you that you are not allowed to turn left down the residential streets. Some even build concrete guides into the road that force you in a certain direction. What they want you to do instead is either loop around the entire complex or be funneled back to the main road with all the lights.

First off, I totally understand where these people are coming from. There are a lot of irresponsible drivers out there and I certainly wouldn't want more and more of them barreling down my street. Increased traffic means an increased chance of someone causing an accident near your property. Plus, not only is at an issue of safety but quality of living. No one wants headlights shining into their living rooms at all hours or to have massive trucks driving by early in the mornings as they head to make deliveries to these businesses. I can totally see why they lobbied to get a sign like that put into place when the new complex was under construction. But on the other side of the argument, I don't live there and going the long way around takes a lot more time. Let's be honest, these people don't care about keeping their neighborhood safe - just the street they live on. It's not like forcing traffic down to the next street is going to make the reckless drivers any safer. All they are doing is making it the next street over's problem. So I almost always make the turn, signs be damned.

To be fair, I doubt I'm the person they are targeting when they make traffic laws like this. My truck is not very loud and I don't go charging up and down the road all day long. That is why I think signs like this should be a little more suggestive. How about next to the standard left turn arrow with a slash through it, you throw a question mark on there? Or perhaps the slash isn't the standard dark red, but a lighter pink signifying that it's not a hard and fast no? You know, sort of a "We'd rather you didn't, but if you can make it safely then go for it" kind of thing? If anything it will help get me home faster and that will be another car off the road, which means one less car that people will have to worry about merging with. I can only assume that is a good thing, because with the way the traffic lights are going up in this town it is only a matter of time before they put one at the end of my driveway.

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