Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everybody!

If you celebrate the holiday I hope you have a wonderful day doing whatever Easter traditions your family may have and if not Easter isn't your thing I hope you are simply having a good weekend. To those participating in an Easter Egg hunt, may you find as many eggs as possible. In the last couple of years I have noticed the skill which is required to have a really good Easter Egg hunt. It is not enough just that you hide the eggs - you must hide them with enough deception so that it is somewhat of a challenge for the people involved, but not hide them so well that the next time you see the egg it is after you run it over with the lawnmower. Where this gets really tricky is when you have kids spanning a wide age participating. Obviously the older the kid the more elaborate you can be with your hiding places, where as a little kid can literally be standing over an egg and not see it. It is a delicate mix. Also, I feel like there should be an age limit for hunting Easter Eggs - perhaps something as simple as once you hit a double-digit age your hunting days are over - because like all things, at some point dominating all the other children at finding Easter Eggs stops being impressive and starts being sad.

That being said, can we talk for a minute about how strange the entire idea of an Easter Egg hunt is? Regardless of how religiously you may have been raised, growing up I think we are all taught the same basic principles - don't eat candy you find on the ground, don't run around too much while you are wearing your nicest clothes and if you have a lot of something you should share it with other. But when it comes time for an Easter Egg hunt? All of that goes out the window. Feel free to run around and get sweaty in the clothes your mother fought very hard to keep clean all year round (don't forget to throw in a grass stain for good measure) while collecting as many candy-filled eggs as possible from all sorts of questionable locations (Under the swing-set which no one has cleaned in years? Why not? Also the candy is usually something without packaging like M&Ms, but since it was in a very thin, poorly-sealed plastic egg that should be ok.) and whichever child has the most eggs when all is said and done is the winner, so being nice and giving the kid who doesn't have any eggs actually works against you. I assume this is just how Jesus wanted the day to be.

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