Thursday, March 21, 2013

Missed My Window

Depending on which study you believe, the first two days of the NCAA basketball tournament cost this country somewhere between $100 million and $300 billion dollars in lost revenue from business having to pay people who are't doing any work. Any other industry which was this disruptive we be called to the floor of the Senate to answer questions in front of a subcommittee, but rather than combat this problem we actually seem to encourage it by advertising the best ways to sneak out of work to watch games. CBS could help by scheduling the games for later in the day or starting the tournament earlier in the week, but instead the network and its partners have begun putting every game on TV, starting them at noon and streaming them online. If you can't watch the games online, don't worry because there are numerous websites which will constantly keep you updated or even send an alert to your phone when there is an upset brewing, complete with a "Boss" button which takes down the window the game is in and instantly replaces it with generic spreadsheet designed to fool employers. Honestly, it is a perfect storm to get nothing done.

Sadly, that includes me. There is only a small window between afternoon and evening waves of games for me to get a blog post done and as you probably guessed, I missed it. So, like so many hung-over teachers have done before me, we're having video day. Enjoy.

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