Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy 101

So, everyone else has already done one of these, why don't I?

The Rules:
1. List 10 things that make you happy.
2. Pass it on to 5 bloggers who make your day a better one.

10 Things That Make Me Happy

1. When my nieces see me for the first time that day. "Hi, Uncle Tommy!" Always makes me smile.

2. Getting emails from people I haven't heard from in a while. It's always fun to reconnect with old friends.

3. When I hit two good golf shots in a row. Because it just happens so infrequently.

4. Conversations with my friends that are made up of nothing but Family Guy quotes.

5. Finding a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in the freezer. They are so much better when they are cold.

6. Weekend jaunts to cities in the U.S. It's a great thing to getaway, but not have to exchange any money or learn a new language.

7. Midnight dance parties.

8. The first really warm day of spring. I'm expecting it to be about mid-June the way this winter appears to want to drag on.

9. Getting a winning steak going on the "Streak for Cash." For all my talk, it turns out that I'm very rarely right about sports, so it's great when I can be for 4 or 5 events in a row.

10. Finishing a really stupid project. It's very satisfying to finish something that had been annoying me for a while.

Now, as for the "passing it along" aspect - I'm out. Much like with Facebook, I'm too late to the party for this to happen. Everyone has already done this or been tagged. So, I'm not going to tag anyone specifically, just know you can boost it from here if you are so inclined.

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