Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let Me Help You Out

So, it's Valentine's Day again. A day that is supposed to be the most romantic of all the days on the calendar, yet for some reason never seems to quite get there. Here is what I have discovered: Valentine's Day only matters to those who have either been in a relationship for less than a year or are not in a relationship now. If this is your first Valentine's Day together, you feel enormous pressure to make it a memorable day. After the first one of a relationship, Valentine's Day sort of loses it's luster pretty quickly. And, if you are single for some reason people equate this with meaning there is something the matter with you, when all it really means is that you aren't one to hop into a relationship just because February 14th is coming. Personally, I like Valentine's Day - nothing wrong with making sure that your significant other knows how you feel. You probably think they know, but it never hurts to cover your bases.

Anyways, just two pieces of advice for Valentines Day, one for each gender:

To the Ladies: Any jack-off can make you feel special the one day of the year he has been commanded to do so. It's the ones who pull it off on a random Thursday in June that you should keep an eye out for.
To the Gentlemen: Don't get engaged today. Far too cliche. C'mon, you can do better than that.

Now, in honor of the holiday I spent a little time throwing together a playlist for you. 15 songs and over an hours worth of music to get you through. But, if you can't close the deal in an hour... well, you have bigger problems than I can help you with.

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