Monday, February 1, 2010

More Like Doppel(not)ganger, Am I Right?

Thanks to Liz (who I turn to get most of my pop culture news) I found out that it is apparently doppelganger week over on that Facepage that all you crazy kids have. Therefore, in conjunction with, you can go online and see what celebrity you most look like. I figured I would try it, just to see who would get to play me in the cameo role of Liz's eventual Oscar-winning biopic. I went in fully expecting Philip Seymour Hoffman, as that's the guy I came up with when I thought this out (mostly because, if someone other than me is going to play me, he had damn well better be an Oscar winner). But I wanted computer confirmation of my decision. Turns out I was way off. I guess that we give facial recognition software on shows like CSI way too much credit.

This was the picture that I submitted.

Now, the first result was Michelle Rodriguez, of The Fast and The Furious fame. Apparently I should have been clearer that I wanted only the male results. Still, she matched me highest at 67%. Perhaps this explains my love of the Latin ladies. Also, my natural heat. And, upon a second glance, I can totally see the resemblance. Now, on to the rest of the results.

Wayne Brady - 66%
Umm... what? Either I've been spending some major time in a tanning booth that I don't remember, or Mr. Brady has some serious Michael Jackson-like treatments to undergo. I will say this, though, it seems like a sure-fire way to win an Oscar.

James Spader - 60%
I think it's the glasses.
Or it could be because he was on Boston Legal.
Either way, I say no.

David Gahan - 59%
Not only does he not look like me,
I have no idea who the hell he even is.

Lothar Matthaus - 58%
Nope, no idea who this guy is either.
But, at least his first name is Lothar.

George Clooney - 57%
Now, this is more like it.
But, I bet every guy gets some kind of George Clooney picture,
just to get them to recommend the site to other people.

Matthew Perry - 56%
I would have expected the percentage to be higher,
simply for the glasses and goatee. Still, I would have to get the post-Friends, bloated Matthew Perry.

Kanye West - 55%
"Yo, yo. Imma let you finish. I just gotta say,
your program is not one of the best of all time."

[UPDATE: Ok, so I tried it again later with a different picture. Among the more notables this time were Jack Osbourne (it was pre-rehab Jack Osbourne, but that's still better) and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who, while distinguished, really pushes the boundaries of the whole "celebrity" scale (I had to look up who he was).]


Liz said...

That website is bullshit. I put in a picture of me and another lady who happens to be close to me, but I won't reveal names, and the website found that I looked like Katie Holmes and the lady next to me resembled... Dwight D. Eisenhower. I wish I was kidding, but I had a good laugh. Also, apparently The SJC looks like a Bollywood actor. Things that make you go hmmmmmm....

Tom said...

Actually, that makes total sense because when I first met the SJC I thought, "Now, there goes a man who looks like he has several curry recipes.