Thursday, February 25, 2010

Throwing Everyone Out

Just like when something is a trending topic on Twitter, if a local story goes national, it never seems to be for an uplifting reason. The big story last night was Central Falls High School in Rhode Island deciding to fire the entire teaching staff, including the principal. Apparently the school has been doing terrible in standardized testing for a while and has an awful graduation rate, so they were attempting to work on a couple different plans to turn the school around before deciding that the grand show of firing every teacher at once was the way to go. There were protests and rallies with a lot of grandstanding on both sides, but every teacher will still be fired. Say what you want about the rest of the school, but apparently the Central Falls Drama Department appears to be the one area in which they're doing rather well.

Now, I'm not one to advocate for anyone getting fired, especially in this economy, but I have to say my sympathy for the teachers wained a little last night after I saw a couple of them appear on the ABC National News and take the ever so classy stance of blaming the kids. One of them even went so far as to say, "Given the students we had to work with, I think we did an excellent job." Nice. My empathy went down even more when later in the story a student said the following, "Without them we wouldn't not be nothing." It's not every day you see a triple-negative sentence. Now, the school is allowed to hire up to half the faculty back if a new plan isn't approved, but I really don't think the English teachers should be in that group.

-While I think the story about missing actor Andrew Koenig is really sad, how is it that this story has been going on for almost two weeks and I'm just now learning that his dad was the original Checkov?

-Also, congratulations to Seth Green on his engagement. Just further proof that you can be 5'2" and still land hot women if you are a successful actor. I'm sure he got the Hillary Duff treatment that evening. (If you don't get that reference, do your own damn Googling.)

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