Friday, July 23, 2010

I Hope It Was Worth It

I continue to loathe iTunes "Album Only" restriction, considering it to be the bane of my existence. Why should I have to buy your entire crappy "Greatest Hits" album, when all I want is the one new song? How it is my fault that you only had enough talent to compose one good tune in the last three years? Anyway, having to make this decision invariably leads to me wondering just how much I enjoy that one song and weighing that against whether or not it is worth the extra money to buy the entire album. Fortunately, in cases like Mike Birbiglia's "My Secret Public Journal" it is a fairly easy call. I like almost all of Mike's material, though I still resent having to buy the entire album just to get the "celebrity golf" bit onto my iPod. But, just so you guys can make your own call, I found a copy of him doing the bit online (though, it is broken up into two parts) and will leave it up to you to judge.

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