Monday, July 5, 2010

The Norwood Doll Carriage Parade

Have you ever wished you could find the perfect example up the phrase "Organized Chaos" in action? If so, then you should come to the Norwood Doll Carriage Parade, held every year on the 4th of July.

Now, I talked about this last year and yeah, I make fun of how crazy it is at the start (seriously, you try to get that many kids to do anything at the same time), but it really is a great family event. It seems to be getting bigger every year, and this year had well over 300 kids participate.

The Brenizer girls know that the key to good parade participation
is to stay hydrated before you start waving to the crowd.

I love this picture, taken as the parade was slow to get underway,
because I feel like it sums up the girls personalities.
Addison is content to hang out and we'll go when we go.
Charlotte seems to be thinking really hard about how to make
this whole process more efficient.

Remember how I told you over 300 kids participated?
Add to that the fact that their parents, grandparents (and occasionally uncles)
also decided to walk alongside and this was a good-sized event.
We were near the middle of the pack, so picture the same group behind us.
600 walkers... maybe 20 spectators.

And, of course, how else do you celebrate a parade ending,
but with a post-game tailgate. Sippy cups for everyone!

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