Sunday, March 28, 2010

Candy, Coaches and Time Changes

-I think you can learn about a person by how they eat Skittles. I mean, there are a lot of ways you can attack a package. It's not like M&Ms, where they are all taste the same. You can just shove a handful in your mouth (showing you are an impatient person, but willing to mix the flavors), eat them one at a time (prolonging the enjoyment of eating candy while admitting that you can only handle so much at a time), or sort them by color and eat all the ones that are that flavor all at once (displaying your organizational skills). Turns out that they are a very intuitive candy.

-While we're on the subject of small, flavored balls of sugar - why do they continue to make licorice flavored jelly beans? No one likes them and they always end up as the only flavor remaining in the candy bowl. You get all excited because you see candy in the candy bowl, only to open it up and discover only the licorice flavor jelly beans left - that's like a slap in the face. Of course, then comes the bargaining, where you say to yourself, "Maybe that's a different flavor... I mean, they look like they could have a slight purple tint to them... maybe they're not licorice, but some sort of grape." This is terrible thing to do to yourself, cause all you are doing is raising the level of disappointment you are going to feel when you bite into one and, sure enough, they are still licorice-flavored, just like the black ones have been since the dawn of time.

-Yes, in case you were wondering, I still have another week to go before I can eat chocolate again.

-I didn't mind Urban Meyer publicly taking a reporter to task for printing comments made by one of his players about former quarterback, Tim Tebow, even though the quotes were printed accurately. Any words spoken that could, in the slightest way, be perceived as a dig at Tebow are going to be blown out of proportion near Gainesville and I'm sure Meyer was just trying to deflect some attention. I applaud the intentions, no matter how dickish the execution. What I took offense to, however, was the fact that he apologized to the reporter in a "private meeting." I hate people who do this - yell in public, but apologize in private. If you feel strongly enough to cause a scene and embarrass this guy, who was only trying to do his job, in front of dozens of players, coaches, other media members and boosters, then Meyer should be man enough to apologize in the same public setting. There is a word for people that only acknowledge their mistakes in private - they're called cowards.

-Did you see that Russia just decided to get rid of two time zones? Previously the county was divided by eleven separate time zones, but the Russian President decided that it was too many and had two entire time zones not spring their clocks forward so the country only has nine different time zones to deal with. When a man can simply declare what time your clocks will say and everyone goes along with it, I think it it safe to say he has been given too much power.

-It was just announced that this season will be the final one for 24. Now, I only have to hold out for another couple of months of that show (and also Lost) at which point I'll be down to only Heroes and American Idol remaining for shows that I am constantly badgered by other people to watch. See, I knew I would eventually win if I could just wait them out. No show can last forever.... except The Simpsons.

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