Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Extra Body and Bounce

The other day I ran out of conditioner in the shower. This shouldn't be a surprise because I tend to use way more conditioner than shampoo and so I go through it much faster. I saw the bottle was getting low so you think I would have had the common sense to put a replacement bottle in the shower, ready to jump in when the bottle was finally empty, but that would have meant there were 4 whole products in my shower and that was just asking too much. The worst part was that I kept forgetting to put the new bottle into the shower and God knows I wasn't getting out of the shower once I had gotten in. (There is nothing worse than needing to get out of the shower before you are done.) It was only after a couple days of adding water to the bottle and showering with conditioner water that I finally remembered to look under the sink and grab a new bottle of (what I thought was) conditioner.

Turns out that I should have looked closer because it was actually just more shampoo. Now, in my defense, it was in the same shape bottle as conditioner and also was the same color as the previous container. Really, if you just grabbed and didn't look (as I often do) it was an easy mistake to make. I actually didn't realise that it was shampoo until I put some on my head and came away with way too many bubbles. That's when I checked the label and saw my error. Now, they always tell you to rinse, lather and repeat, but I don't know if that rule still applies when you are switching brands of shampoo in mid-shower. I'm not sure why it bothered me as much as it did because my hair at it's longest point is only about three inches and it's not like I style it at all. Really, I should have been happy about the extra body my hair was going to have that day. Still, I was concerned that I wouldn't be using any conditioner that day. Then about 30 seconds later I remembered I'm a guy, this is why I keep my hair short and I can just wear a hat all day. It really is just so much better being a dude sometimes.

-With all the rain in the area the last couple of days, there are a lot of streets closed due to high water spilling into the road. I was trying to get from Route 1A to Route 109 this afternoon, but couldn't take the usual way of simply turning down Route 27 because that intersection was essentially under water. I knew of another way to go, but it would have required going passed my destination and then back-tracking, so I tried taking one of the side streets in an effort to discover a new side road. After 30 minutes of twisting and turning I came out about 50 feet down the street from where I entered. I have to say, this is one of those days when a GPS would have pretty much paid for itself.

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