Monday, October 18, 2010

One Question Yields Lots Of Answers

I often feel like you can learn a lot about a person by how they answer one or two specific questions. For example, the question of "Do you prefer The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?" can tell me a lot more than just your musical preferences. I believe how you answer says a lot about the person you are, because one was perhaps the most influential band in history churning out some of the most iconic music ever created, while the other has been opening with the exact same song since the 1960s and is now known simply for the fact that everyone is amazed that their guitarist isn't dead yet. It should not even be much of a debate. Therefore, if you answer with the Rolling Stones, I can safely assume you did this because you think everyone is going to answer with The Beatles and you have some deep-seeded urge to try and be different just for the sake of being different. Having been around this type before, I also know that they are always difficult to get along with and can conclude that you and I should not hang out. (Seriously, have you ever tried deciding on a movie to watch with these kinds of people? They never want to see any movie that gets a lot of good reviews. It makes something that should be simple into a giant process.)

Another question which can uncover several deeper answers is the classic re-heating debate of "oven versus microwave." I don't think anyone would argue that food is always better if it has been thoroughly reheated in the oven instead of just tossed into the microwave to warm until the center is no longer frozen. Food from the oven is always nice and crispy, whereas microwaved food always ends up with a rather soggy texture. Again, if all things were equal it wouldn't even be a discussion. The problem is that all things aren't equal - between pre-heating the oven and the fact that cooking in an oven takes 300% longer, it is not a quick process to reheat anything that way. You really have to weigh the pros and cons of the entire operation. Are you the kind of person who needs instant gratification, or are you willing to sit back and take the time to do something the right way, even if it requires more patience? This decision could very well tell me if you are the kind of person who will take shortcuts in other areas of life or if you are someone who believes that people should do thinks the right way the first time, regardless of whether or not it will take longer. Then again, maybe you skipped lunch and all it really means is that you are extremely hungry at that moment.

-Speaking of a seemingly small action speaking volumes about a larger issue, I couldn't help but notice the Cowboys getting flagged for excessive celebration for the second straight week. Now, for those of you not lucky enough to have the Red Zone Channel, last week the Cowboys scored a late touchdown in their close game against the Tennessee Titans. The problem was that following the touchdown Jason Witten gave the ball to one of his linemen to spike and the NFL has rules against multiple teammates engaging in post-touchdown celebrations (which are extremely, extremely stupid, but we're not here to talk about that). The Cowboys were penalized fifteen yards on the kickoff and the Titans took advantage of the short field to re-take the lead moments later. After the game Dallas Head Coach Wade Phillips said he liked his teams to show emotion and had no problem taking the penalty. Well, fast forward to this week and on their very first touchdown of the game the Cowboys were again flagged for multiple teammates engaging in celebration. To me, this shows how unprepared Wade Phillips is to be a head coach. Look, you can not agree with the excessive celebration rules, but sometimes you have to follow rules you don't like. I guarantee that the successful teams around the NFL would have made it a point this week to talk about what constitutes excessive celebration and how to avoid it. The fact that it happened a second time shows me that the Cowboys are not a well-run team and points out exactly why Wade Phillips is going to be looking for a job very soon.

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