Saturday, October 30, 2010

This Year's Pumpkins

When I was growing up we were strictly a one-pumpkin family. Now, at some point we expanded to having two pumpkins, which isn't unheard of, but in the last couple of years it has gone even further. Now we're one of 'those' families.

That's right, FIVE pumpkins. One for each grandchild.
Let's take a look at each of them individually.

Micky Mouse. The kids love the Mouse, copyrights be damned.

Jesse the Cowgirl from Toy Story.
We're not afraid of you, Disney!

Usually people carve something scary into their pumpkins.
We go with ballerinas. Scary indeed.

'Boo' and a ghost. See, we tried going for scary.

Then, we limp to the barn with my golf-themed pumpkin. Frankly, I don't love how this came out. I feel like it's too similar to last year. Also, I never hit it that close when I'm actually playing.

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