Sunday, October 3, 2010

Your Weekly Musical Interlude

Normally this blog is about all the little things that catch my eye during my adventures out in the world. However, between the Ryder Cup and football all weekend, I haven't been out in the world much for the last couple of days. I wouldn't want to write about nothing but football and golf all weekend anyway. Plus, because Sundays are always a tough day to come up with something to write about, I'm making an executive decision: every Sunday is going to be musical interlude day. Instead of my normal ramblings, I'm going to give you either a playlist or music video of a song I enjoy that. Could be a new song or an older song that is back in my head.

This week's selection is from a band that has been following me around for a couple weeks. Seems every time I turn on the radio lately I am greeted by Third Eye Blind, which reminds me of being a freshman in college. I must have played this song about 100 times during my freshman year radio show.

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