Saturday, October 16, 2010

Some Randomness

-A couple days ago I tried pre-packaged, frozen quesadillas for lunch. Now, they were pretty good for what they were. A little bland, but that is how I like my Mexican food. Besides, this isn't a food review. This is about the fact that the pre-packaged, frozen quesadillas came out of the package with grill lines on them. Look, I understand this company is trying to convince me that this is authentic Mexican food, but I'm here to tell them it is unnecessary. I'm a big boy - I know what I'm getting myself into when I have frozen quesadillas for lunch. Do they really expect me to believe this food was grilled by a chef in some large kitchen, cut up, packaged, frozen and shipped out? It was made by a machine in a factory: I know it and you know it. Adding fake grill lines just adds more chemicals to what is already not the healthiest food choice. Thus, here is my message to the makers of all frozen foods: I appreciate the effort to try and fool me into thinking this is real food, but it is unnecessary. You can skip that step and no one will care.

-The other night there was a story on the news about how gas prices have spiked suddenly and without a tangible reason. Let me help those news organizations out - gas prices have gone up because oil companies are evil and raise prices on a whim. They only kept them under control over the summer because of the BP oil spill giving the entire industry bad press. Had oil companies been price-gouging while simultaneously being lumped in with the people destroying the ocean it would have led to a nation-wide protests and investigations by consumer advocates. However, they figure enough time has passed that they can start being evil again without the entire country flipping out on them. There is your story.

-Given the fact that the Rangers are still paying Alex Rodriguez a large sum of deferred money from the contract he signed with the team back in 2001, I feel like they should be able to have a say in how much he plays during the ALCS. Maybe not whether or not he sits, but at the very least where he bats in the line-up. Seems only fair.

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